adiH wordle


Updated : 9th July 2024

Updated : 30th June 2024

Version : for October 2024

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"Excellence is a habit ... not a one-off performance."

This version : 29th September 2024

Welcome! ... and thanks for having found !

The aim of my site is not only to offer Practical Training, but also to provide some advice and ideas for the continued development of new - and not so new - ADIs, and also to offer some unbiased help to PDIs - especially those not on a Trainee Licence - in the run-up to their DVSA Part 3 Test.

Any notes, suggestions, advice, videos etc. appearing on the site are purely the ideas and personal thoughts of the author, graham campbell, and are therefore subject to intellectual copyright.

They do not purport, however, in any way to dictate a uniquely "correct" way of doing things, either from the DVSA's point of view, or from my own.

As with all advice, mine should be mulled over, and rejected or accepted as the reader sees fit...
but bearing in mind the DVSA qualfications and experience of the author [scroll down], don't reject too much!

"The only source of knowledge is experience" - Albert Einstein

Part 2 Session
"Really great to have met you yesterday and got some very valuable feedback.
Would like to thank you for sharing your wealth of knowledge with me, really appreciate it."
 - a grateful PDI. [by email] - November 2023

"Thank you very much for giving me so much of your time, experience and knowledge today.
It really was such a pleasure to speak with you.
Your enthusiasm really was a breath of fresh air, there was so much for me to take in and you’ve given me lots to work with.
I’ll keep you posted on my progress."

 - a grateful ADI. [by email] - January 2022

"Many thanks for your time today!
It's nice to think there's someone around with your experience to give the help I need."

 - a grateful PDI. [by email] - February 2020

"Thank you very much for your advice
It's always a pleasure to meet you and in the simplest way, you make problems disappear."

 - S.N. [by email] - October 2019

"46/51 [Grade A]!  - Couldn't have done it without you, your feedback, your notes, your Blog!
Can't thank you enough."

 - P.B. [by email] - August 2018

"Pleased to say that with your wealth of knowledge and help, I was successful and passed my Standards Check today, and was fortunate enough to get Grade 'A'.
Thank you for your help. Best regards."

 - M.B. - [by email]

"It was great to meet you yesterday.
I really enjoyed our conversation and I left feeling uplifted...
You´re an inspiration!"

 - J.K. - [by email]

"I really liked your style of teaching, and wish I had found you before going through the months of anguish [prior to my Standards Check]."
 - Sue - [by text]

"Lovely to see you again after all these years, Graham, and thanks so much for such an inspirational chat and session. You've lost none of your magic and you are the best!"
 - J.B. - [by email]

 ADIhelp wordle

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Click here to enquire about a FREE Instructional Development session [ADIs and PDIs], whether or not you have a Standards Check [or a Part 3 SC] coming up.

I'm more concerned now with having an input into excellence of training than in making money.

The less tax I have to pay nowadays, the better!

"Excellence is a habit, NOT a one-off performance"

Good training means that when you're under 'pressure' - especially when being observed [maybe by younger clients' parents on a ride‑out, or when on a 'Standards Check'] - what you do, and how you do it, never changes!

It's  "just another day at the office!"

TL I hope PDIs will find lots of interesting material here : expect to see, at times, a slightly different way of doing things - all and any of which, though, have had at various times, DVSA's approval during my various "Checks" over the years.

Try a  video‑chat  with me to sort out any training matters, or  Standards Check  qualms which are concerning you!

Click the button to see how easy this is - you don't need 'Zoom'‑Membership or dedicated software if you've got a laptop with integral microphone and camera... or a Smartphone!

"Read all about it!" - as they say - by clicking the button.
You can't lose!

 blog Find out my 'take' on many aspects of driver‑training and the ADI‑Testing régime...

 Welcome Welcome to all my site‑visitors on the
World-Wide Web!
This site is fully‑encrypted.
Any information that you may send me in one of my online 'forms' is sent using 128‑bit encryption.



Click to find out about me, the writer, trainer and blogger here at  adiHelp.

Click to see Graham's results from his last formal, mandatory DVSA/DSA inspection.
Click to download 'OPERA-Touch' browser for your Android Device - it's MUCH better than the opposition at viewing websites on FULL-SCREEN.

Click to see Graham's results from his last formal, mandatory DVSA/DSA ORDIT inspection.

adi I hope ADIs will find lots of interesting material here.
Expect to see, at times, a slightly different way of doing things - all and any of which, though, have had - at various times - DVSA's approval during my various "Checks" over the years.

reels A number of videoed "tutorials" taken from inside my training‑car, to explain techniques, and to help understanding.

reels A large selection of very short training clips, caught on my dash‑cam, to help pupils deal with tricky, everyday situations which, nonetheless, they may NOT have come across during their driving lessons.

Star! A large number of unsolicited testimonials from former L‑Pupils, ADIs and PDIs alike.

links Links to lots of sites of interest to the professional ADI.

Guest Bk Please click to sign the online 'Guest Book'.

Click to give some feed‑back on any aspect of the site / wish‑list etc.

Perhaps steer clear of any Trainer who hasn't signed up with the DVSA to commit to ongoing CPD.
Click to view/download the "Code of Practice" drawn up by the DVSA

Click for an explanation!
Click to reveal
Click for an online form, for ease of emailing me directly.

Wishing my site‑visitors a Prosperous and healthy New Year 2023